
Ken Ogueri receives travel fellowship award at the 254th ACS National Meeting in Washington, DC, August 20-24, 2017

I (Ken Ogueri) was really honored to be a speaker in the just concluded American Chemical Society national meeting in Washington D.C. ( 254th ACS National Meeting). There, I gave an oral presentation at “Polyphosphazenes in Biomedicine, Engineering & Pioneering Synthesis” symposium of the technical division of “polymeric materials science and engineering-PMSE”. I was awarded a travel fellowship award  to cover for the travel expenses. Also, my abstract was selected for the Sci-Mix  poster presentation. Sci-Mix is a large poster session and mixer held at each ACS national meeting. The poster session consists of abstracts selected by division program chairs and represents the most exceptional abstracts submitted to participating divisions.

My doctoral advisor and mentor, Dr. Cato T. Laurencin was also one of the guest speakers in the meeting.

Last July, I was also present in the  “5th Annual Workshop on Micro-And Nanotechnologies for Medicine: Emerging Frontiers And Applications” hosted by Harvard-MIT Health Sciences & Technology in conjunction with MAYO CLINIC at Cambridge, MA. I gave an oral sound-bite presentation of my current research project.

These conferences will keep me up-to date with current trends and new developments in Biomaterials and Tissue/Regenerative Engineering.

Great thanks to my doctoral advisor for these wonderful opportunities!


CMOC – the Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics

Come attend the CMOC – the Connecticut Symposium on Microelectronics and Optoelectronics
Wednesday, April 7th, 2010.
This year, CMOC will be held on UConn’s campus, so I would encourage you to consider attending. Registration is FREE for graduate and undergraduate students. 
Registration must be received by Monday, April 5th, 2010.
Invited talks include:
• Graphene Electronics, C.Y. Sung, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, NY.
• Promises and challenges in solid state lighting,  E. Fred Schubert, RPI, Troy, NY
• High Performance Multiplexed-Scaled down field enabled systems, Luis Fernando Velasquez-Garcia, MIT.
• Thin film electronics for hybrid integration, Ioannis (John) Kymissis, Columbia U.
Sessions include:
I. Devices
II. Materials & Characterization
III. Emerging Technologies IV. Applications 

MRS Members Receive CMOC Awards

Congratulations to MRS Members, Satyesh Yadav and Greg Wrobel, Award Recipients at the Conncticut Microelectronics and Optoelectronics (CMOC) SymposiumSatyesh Yadav, recipient of the Best Poster Paper Award [co-authors Tom Sadowski and Rampi Ramprasad]. reg Wrobel, recipient of the Best Oral Paper Award [“Synthesis and Field Emission of Seedless ZnO Nanoneedles on Metals” with Marcin Piech, Pu-Xian Gao, and Sameh Dardona, UConn and UTRC]. Other awards for UConn students were awarded to Supriya Karmakar for Best Poster Paper Award.